Benefits of dramatic play

22 de abril de 2020

Viaró Infantil pupils have the opportunity to learn English through a wide range of complementary methodologies. These are used so that all students, each with their own peculiarities, can optimize their learning process.

One of these methodologies is based on the "dramatic play" (original idea from Josep Maria Artigal, the Researcher Teacher).

The method uses simple and meaningful stories for students. The students are actively involved. The stories are staged and, later on, are provided with visual support so that the children can reproduce the stories and autonomously use the visual support, and above all, take advantage of the role learned in different situations during their daily routines.

Through this way they feel comfortable to not only practice English in the classroom, but also it motivates them to listen because later they will be the ones who speak and others will listen.

The methodology gives children a lot of self-confidence because they learn the story slowly and gradually until they feel it is possible to tell it by themselves. This self-assurance directly impacts their ability to communicate better as they internalize the structures of the story from the main idea to the specific phrases they learn at the end. Here's the key, it lets you expand grammar and vocabulary in a very natural and progressive way.

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