Christmas Tree activities

11 de diciembre de 2020

Do you want a list of Toddler and Preschool Christmas Theme Activities for the holidays?

We have selected some of our favorite Christmas Tree activities from the blog Happy Tot Shelf:

  1. Popsicle Stick Christmas Tree Planting

Perfect for toddlers from 1,5 to 3 years old

2. Christmas Lights Dot Stickers

You can choose the activity that suits best for your child according to the age:

  • Line up stickers
  • Complete the Pattern
  • Letter/ number matching

3. Christmas tree painting with potatoes

You can create Christmas Cards for family and friends! 😉

4. Yarn Wrapped Popsicle Stick Christmas Tree Ornament

A very colourful and fun way to creae your own ornaments

Agata Carreras

Editora del blog

Coneix Viaró Infantil

Aquest blog

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