DIY: magnet puzzle

10 de febrero de 2017

Children love playing with magnets. It's a very easy activity for do in the kitchen while you prepare a meal. That's why this DIY magnet puzzle activity is perfect for toddlers!

What do you need?


  • Magnets with different shapes
  • White butcher paper
  • Black marker


It's as simple as it looks.

You have to tap a long sheet of white butcher paper onto your refrigerator. Make sure it isn't too tall for the kids – height checking is key for making this activity.

Next put the magnets onto the white paper and began tracing their outline to build your puzzle. Set down the magnets in a bowl and let the kids start working away. They will love this activity!

It's an activity that you can use for days, and once they finished playing with this set up you can let them color in the silhouettes, which they will love to.
You can find more activities like this at Busy Toddler

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