DIY Rocky frame 

17 de marzo de 2017

Father's Day is almost here and we want to share an idea for a very simple and cute gift. It's a picture frame made with stones that the children can pick in the park.

It’s really easy and inexpensive to make, and dad will love to put it on his desk.

Here's what you need:

  • Stones
  • Cardboard 
  • Glue 
  • Picture or photo 

Step one: print a family photo or make a picture of dad to put in the frame.

Step two: cut a cardboard in the shape of the picture.

Step three: Use super glue or a hot glue gun to attach the stones to the picture frame. You can start with the outer edge so you have a straight line, then work towards the center.

Step four: Reassemble the frame and add the family photo. Or a beautiful picture made by the kids.

Finally, see if the children can keep the secret until you give the present to dad 😉

Happy Father's Day!

Coneix Viaró Infantil

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