It's time to make music!

27 de octubre de 2021

The Little Ducks (P1) like to listen to songs and play music in the background while they do activities. But they like even more the magical moment of musical stimulation, which we do each week. Music is one of the most powerful forms of stimulation that we have for early childhood. It’s a universal, globalizing and integrating language.

Children are in contact with music even before they are born, the ear is the first sensory organ that develops in the mother’s womb. From the earliest stages of development, children already emit responses to musical stimulus. In the weekly musical stimulation session, the songs prepare them for the activity. For example, “La Rotllana” predisposes them to hold hands and sit in a circle, with the song “L’Hora de fer música” the children accompany the music with the gesture, while singing, and it advises them that the session is starting. With the song “Recollim”, they learn to clean up what they have used and to leave the classroom tidy. Also, they are introduced to different musical instruments, and become familiar with them by listening to the sounds they make, etc.

Music improves memory, promotes attention and concentration, stimulates imagination and creativity, reinforces language, contributes to cognitive development, psychomotricity, improves rhythm, balance and coordination, promotes sociability, helps to express emotions, and establish routines.

Moreover, it’s a great way to reinforce multiple learning and create different environments.

It has been demonstrated that music is important in child development and is a playful and attractive tool for parents and teachers. It’s a great affective communication channel.

"Music is the principal part of education, because it’s introduced from the first moment into the soul of the child and acquaints it with beauty and virtue" (Platon).

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