Mother's Day DIY gift

5 de mayo de 2017

Moms never get tired of having printed family photos, do they? And if they come with a really cute frame they are even better. That's why this is a perfect DIY gift for Mother's Day 🙂

And it's easy to do with the kids, too!

All you need is:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Washitape or colored markers to decorate
  • Glue
  • Magnets
  • Family photos (recent pictures or nice memories)

There are so many versions of this frames, that everyone can do it the way they like most.

The basic steps are:

• decorate the sticks using the washitape or the markers and glue them together so that they fit the picture you have (squared shape or one next to another)
• glue or tape your picture to the frame
• glue a magnet to the back 

And that's all!

Do it with love and it will be the best gift for Mom 😉


PD: you can find more about the popsicle stick frames by clicking on the images


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