Paper bin

17 de enero de 2020

After the Christmas holidays every family has some cardboard and paper gift to reuse, right? Today we want to share two different activities from Busy Toddler that your kids can do at home with these

  1. Cut and glue station

In this activity, you invite the kids to imagine, create and build ANYTHING they can think of.

You can collect from the recycling bin – all sorts of papers, and boxes, ribbons, packaging...

You also need scissors and glue.

It gives kids a chance to create and use their hands to build.

2. Ripping paper bin

It's perfect for toddlers and little kids that are not ready for glue and scissors yet.

It's very easy to set up: throw all your wrapping paper scraps into a plastic storage container for your toddler to play with.

That's it!

This might seem like a simple activity (and it is!) but it packs a fair amount of learning in with it.

Ripping paper is a fine motor skills activity that focuses on grip strength.

It also teaches cause and effect, and is a precursor to using scissors.

Agata Carreras

Blog editor

Coneix Viaró Infantil

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