12 de mayo de 2021

This trimester the rabbits (P2) have discovered the symbolic space of the “Market”. We loved it! But… What is it that we like so much? Is it the colourful of the fruits and vegetables? The quantity and variety of products? Being able to imitate the adults going shopping?

The symbolic game is a type of play in which the kids can play other roles, imitating daily situations of the adults life. Using their mental capacity and imagination, the recreate a scenary as entertainment, learned by observation. So that, they play at being daddies and mummies, doctors, hairdressers… and in this case, the different adult roles that happen in a market. Some take the shopping cart, others the cash register, some prefer to sell fruit and vegetables and the others to buy bread; each child chooses their role and is happy to be transported to the real life of adults for a moment. 

Likewise, through the play is favored the emotional, cognitive and motor development, it fosters autonomy and creativity, promotes language development and helps to improve social skills, therefore it is an important way of learning. 

In the symbolic space, we work values such as collaboration, teamwork, empathy, patience (knowing how to wait), respecting the turns and the rules of the place, good manners (we ask for things "please" and say "thank you"), and so little by little we learn to live in society through play.

The rabbits have a lot of fun and enjoy themselves! They grow intellectually and socio-emotionally. 

Maite Font

Assistant Teacher P2

Coneix Viaró Infantil

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