Color bath

27 de enero de 2023

Is your toddler having a bad day? Try this idea from Busy Toddler: doing a color bath is one way to add a little learning and a lot of fun into the tub. Nothing resets a toddler like playing in the tub

How do you set up a color bath for your toddler?

You will need:

  • Bathtub
  • Food coloring
  • Objects of a single color

If you want your toddler to be a part of this: take a basket and make a color hunt around your house, looking for plastic toys, balls, scoops, etc all of a single color.

color bath

For extra color, you can put a few drops of food coloring into the water. It won't dye their skin and they love it. And it will help them to learn that specific color.

Agata Carreras

Blog Editor

Coneix Viaró Infantil

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