English Week 2024

12 de marzo de 2024

Year after year, we repeat the long-awaited English Week which we concentrate on a series of multidisciplinary and collaborative activities between different parts of the educational community. During the week, we open the doors to all those who want to participate in any activity adapted to the little ones in the foreign language.

English Week 2024: The Farm

The main topic of this year has been THE FARM. With it, we have reviewed the names of the animals, their onomatopoeias, their babies, where they live, how many legs they have, what type of fur, what they offer us,...

Among other activities, the primary school students have come to sing and tell us stories, a fact that also benefits them in their development of capacities, both cognitive, personal and emotional.

It has been a fantastic week! Thank you all for your participation.

Sara G.Ramis

English Teacher

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