English Corner

Welcome to our English corner!

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English learning at Viaró Infantil 

At Viaró Infantil, we base our English learning on two fundamental concepts: Input and Output. Input refers to the language children are exposed to— the language they hear or read. In our case, it’s auditory input, which is important for helping them later  understand written language when they move into primary school. It’s important that […]

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Improving our English

As the year goes on, students have been practicing new phrases and vocabulary in English. Because of this, students have begun to use this new vocabulary in different settings, like the patio and the English Corner!  On the patio, students are using words for play or basic necessities. They use phrases like: “Pass the ball to me”, […]

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English Week in Viaró Infantil

If we start from the conviction that bilingual children establish knowledge mechanisms and structures, we must also accept that they learn faster and easier; the strategies used to learn languages ​​seem to be found to also serve to improve problem-solving skills and awaken creativity. The benefits, then, are considerable and remarkable throughout life. The development […]

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English immersion

An important part of learning a new language is being immersed in it.  Therefore, a very important part of my job is to speak with the children in English in many different contexts.  I am with the students many different times of the day besides the English Corner.  For example, I speak with the children […]

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5 aportacions de la metodologia Montessori al nostre projecte educatiu

5 aportacions de la metodologia Montessori al nostre projecte educatiu de Viaró Infantil

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L'aprenentatge de l'anglès a Viaró Infantil

El multilingüisme cada cop és més freqüent en la nostra societat global; des d’aquesta realitat a Viaró pensem que l’aprenentatge de les llengües des d’edats primerenques atorga una flexibilitat cognitiva que afavoreix, de retruc, habilitats d’aprenentatge i competències comunicatives que optimitzen les interaccions intergrupals. Encara més; al multilingüisme contribueix de forma prou significativa en la […]

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