The families that promoted Viaró in its beginnings learned from St. Josemaría Escrivá that the importance of a school’s educational actions should be ordered: parents, teachers and students. Fathers and mothers, with their example and dedication, are the most important and influential factor in the education of their children.

formación para padres

This vision, still innovative today, has inspired Viaró’s actions since 1963; and after half a century, many families have benefited from the training offered by the school.

Viaró regularly offers parents the following formation opportunities:

Parent meetings: Each trimester families meet for courses to attend a conference on general aspects of the school and also on a specific topic depending on the age of their children.

  • COF: Family Orientation Courses are organized jointly with FERT. Following the case study method, personal study and group discussion, families have the opportunity to discuss the problems associated with each age with specialists.
  • Family activities: The school organizes various events and parties for the whole family throughout the year and offers its facilities so that they can meet on weekends and organize family meetings at school.
  • Human and Christian formation: Parents who wish to can participate in training courses and talks. The school priests are also available to attend to those who request it.
  • The Vell Ametller Magazine: In the school magazine we offer parents articles of educational interest and other recommendations. You can also check the articles that our teachers write in the blog
  • Interviews: At least once a quarter, and whenever they wish, families meet with the personal tutor of each of their children to evaluate the results achieved and to jointly establish goals for personal and academic improvement. In addition, the tutors guide, advise and encourage parents in the exciting and affirming task of educating their children.