Promotion Delegates meeting with Viaró Seniors’ Board of Directors

On Thursday, March 7, the Delegates of all the promotions met (from the first one, Adam to Ypsilon II, the last one) with the Board of Directors of Viaró Seniors in the library of the School.

It was a great opportunity to discuss different key aspects for the future of Viaró Seniors:

  • Presentation and reminder of the functions of the Delegate.
  • The present and future of Viaró, with the organization of the Annual Conference of the IBSC in Viaró in 2020.
  • Summit conclusions.

At the end, the Delegates were able to clarify some doubts and make proposals and contributions to the Board with the common goal of improving Viaró Seniors.

We would like to thank you all for your attendance at the meeting and the work and involvement that each one has with their respective promotion.